Rites and Rituals

  Ritual is a way of making unconscious acts conscious. However ritual is done, it is powerful because it is sacred. This sacredness permeates all of our lives and reflects not only our belief in the Goddess, but our desire to nurture and sustain our connection with Her.

Simple or elaborate, our rituals connect us to the Goddess and when they do, they create ripples of light and change within our souls. These ripples of energy affect all levels of reality, and the transformational magick of the Goddess touches all things. Thus, "She Changes everything She touches" and we are reminded once again, "if you change yourself, you change the world".

It is for this reason that many of our rituals use our connection with the Goddess for healing work, both for ourselves and others.  A beautiful example of this is Morgan McFarland's "Ritual for Reassurance" that is presented here.

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Solitary Ritual for Reassurance

This is a private ritual for inner strength, peace and reassurance. At its completion, the spine should feel straight and strong, the nerves should be both soothed and alive and receptive, the heart should beat slowly and strongly, and the mind should be clearer and more tranquil.
All the senses should be more perceptive and open.

There are two ways that this ritual may be done: It may be physically enacted or done within the mind.

If it is done within the mind, it can be performed even in a crowded bus, a busy library, or while your roommate sleeps in the bed next to you. It does help to have something to concentrate upon when the circle is mind-cast: book of poetry, a painting or drawing with special significance, a lighted candle. Sit facing the North with your focal point before you, and concentrate your attention on the object until your breathing is slow and comfortable and the world has receded, leaving you feeling calmer and isolated. Then begin with the invocation, mentally envisioning each step of the ritual as though you were physically doing it.

If you can physically perform the ritual, first cast your circle in whatever way is pleasant or possible: by marking it or using things like flowers or stones or even houseplants. Your circle may be this simple, of you may include the elemental candles and symbols and your private altar. These tools are not needed unless you wish them to be a part of this ritual.

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When you feel calm and isolated, begin the ritual, speaking the words out loud if possible.

Invocation of the Elements


From Earth I am
From Earth I spring,
From Earth I grow,
Her strength I sing.


Mother Air
Mother Cloud,
Mother Mist.
Mother Proud.


Mother Fire,
Mother Flame,
Mother light,
I call Thy Name.


Mother of Rain,
Wave and Crest,
River and Tempest,
Spirit of the West.

(state this verse while facing North again)

Great Mother, Come:
Behold my rite
Great Mother, I stand within Thy light.

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Now sit of kneel facing the North, resting quietly for a few moments. Then say:

(Touching the forehead)              I know am Thy Daughter, a Woman.

(Touching the closed eyelids)     I wish to see within me calm fields,
Warm candle glow and gentle rains

(Touching the nostrils)                 I desire the smells of new-turned earth,
I desire clear winds,
I long for wood burning fires,
I wish the smell of ocean salt

(Touching the lips)                       I wish to taste the fruits of the earth.
I wish to taste cleansing breezes,
I wish the taste of warming foods,
I wish the taste of clear, cool water.

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Now quietly meditate on each Element, feeling yourself becoming each: dark earth or warm sand, winds and breezes, candlelight and hearth fires, the ocean and small brooks and streams. When you have felt the elements as though you are within them, continue.

(Touching the breasts)

Mother, give me a strong heart.
Mother, let my heart be open.
Mother, warm my heart from others' coldness.
Mother, let my feelings flow.

(Touching the knees)

Let my knees touch Thy breast.
Let my knees be stroked by the wind
Let my knees kneel before Thy flame.
Let my knees feel the waters' caress.

(Touching the feet)

Sister, see my feet be firm.
Sister, see my feet in dance.
Sister, see my feet walk freely.
Sister, see my steps tread gently.

Chant now a Goddess-Name or Names, or "Earth-Water-Air and Fire" concentrating on some focal point, until each muscle relaxes and the mind is free enough to say the words and KNOWtheir meaning. After a few moments, sit quietly and picture yourself and the Woman you wish and know yourself to be.

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When your senses have been reawakened, and you are refreshed, gently move away from your Circle, or allow yourself to gently return to your surroundings. If it is night, try to fall asleep as soon as possible, remembering that the energy you have tapped is elemental, and will be there in the morning.

This ritual may be done again and again, and like most ritual, grows stronger in its result each time it is done.


June Full Moon "Lesson"- The Strong Sun Moon

by Storykeeper Withers 

This was a meditation written by me on 8/19/2016. I like to keep some kind of symbol on my altar , until the next full moon, to remind me of this and to meditate on the Strong Sun Moon

I am Fire – I am the very embodiment of dichotomy. I am the comfort of the campfire or the conflagration of the forest fire. I am the warmth of the sun on a cool day or the blazing arid heat of the desert. I am the enlightenment of the candle or the ignorance of the fire at the base of a stake. I am the spark of a creative thought or the blast of a hydrogen bomb. I am the passion of lover and the obsession of the stalker. I am the transformation of the kiln or the destruction of the crematoriums at the death camps. Keep me within your body and I am your life, lose me within your body and I am your death
I am Fire – I am both a tool to be used and a force of nature to be reckoned with. Used with caution and care, I can be used to forge metal. Ignore me and I can burn down your home. Yet sometimes even when I destroy I can create. I am the lava flow that can burn all that lies in my path, but without me the island will not grow. I am the flames that burn down the forest, yet without those flames the seeds will not grow. I am the heat, left unattended, that will burn your pot roast, yet without me you would not have bread. Choose wisely how and why you will use me
I am Fire – This is my time. My sun will never be as strong as it is at this time, but this too will fade. Learn from all this, that is the true way to use my two sides. A light touch with only the occasional periods of intensity is the best way to deal with me. Watch the blacksmith at his work. He feeds my flames, watching carefully till that length of metal becomes the color he is looking for. Then he pulls that metal from my grasp to work and pound it, all the while letting the heat slowly dissipate. Over and over does he do this, until at last he reaches the desired form, then he quenches it, removing all trace of my physical presence. Learn to harness my power to create and change, yet limit my power to destroy.
I am Fire – Find my children and you can learn many things. Within the dancing flames you can learn to scry both past and future. My phoenix can teach you how overcome great adversity and be whole and beautiful again. My stars can teach you of time, the beginning of it and the passage of it. My dragon can teach you that even the strongest of us have a point of vulnerability and that greed can be your downfall. Learn to listen with more than just your ears, for my lessons more often are found with your other senses. So pay careful attention when I am near…I am Fire.

Blessed Be!