Welcome to the McFarland Dianic Tradition!
This website is created for both the seasoned McFarland Dianic and the seekers just beginning to explore this path.
We have discovered that our tradition isn't just a few scattered circles anymore. It has grown and flourished beyond anything any of us have ever dreamed. It has answered a need in so many that our numbers are increasing steadily. The McFarland Dianic Tradition is large and viable.
We hope to create a place that people can be directed to get basic information about our Tradition and to give validity to our initiates, female and male, all over the world. It is worth noting that the McFarland Dianic tradition, unlike some groups that have adopted the term Dianic, has always been inclusive of all genders.
We trust the Goddess to guide us in our endeavors, and this site contains some of our history, lore, rituals, a memorial page for our High Priestesses who have passed, and the basic organization of our tradition.
Blessed Be.